
Posts Tagged ‘Decorating’

Deck the Halls

Like many people this time of year, Dave and I are trying to get in the Christmas spirit.  Here are a few things we do to try to fill ourselves with holiday cheer.

Angel Tree

This is something that we started doing 3 years ago when we started working at J.B. Hunt.  The Salvation Army brings an Angel Tree to our company lobby so all we have to do is walk about 100 feet, pick an angel, pick up presents, and remember to bring them to work.  This year Dave picked a 10 year old boy that wanted everything sports and I picked a 3 year old girl that wanted everything princess.  Fitting right?

Honestly, I have to say that the presents I pick out for these children might be the presents that I enjoy giving the most.  Seriously, try it next year if you haven’t.  Best feeling ever.  I still remember when my mom did it when my brother and I were children.


Now that I live in a subdivision, putting up Christmas lights is a must.  In other words, we MUST out do our neighbors.  BAHAHA how’s that for Christmas cheer?

I’ll have to post a picture of the house later…it’s been too dang cold here lately to go out after dark!


My mom bought me my very own WONDERFUL nativity scene last year.  There’s something about putting up a nativity scene that makes you sit back and remember what everything is all about.  It also brings back fond memories of playing with my mom’s nativity scene when I was a child.  If I sat in the chair and was very still, then I could hold baby Jesus…well, the porcelain version anyway.  Apparently, I’m not the only person with a childhood obsession of nativity scenes.  I’m linking to my friend’s, Lauren, blog.  She has a very sweet story about her nativity scene.

This year I worked a little harder on all of our Christmas decorations especially our mantle.  Do you like our stockings?  Don’t tell me if you don’t because I made them.  I have been trying my hand at sewing and thought that making our stockings would be a good project.

No, Dave does not have a stocking yet.  He obviously hasn’t been good this year!

Sophie's Stocking


Of course, one of the most important parts of Christmas decorations – the tree.  I have been having a really hard time at work and last week all I wanted to do was to decorate a tree.  Dave came in with his old tree that he use to sport in his bachelor days.  The box read, “$29.99  6′ lighted tree + wreath.”  You can imagine the quality.  Let’s just say that Lauren and I took a picture “in front” of the Christmas tree last year and, well, it wasn’t so much us by the tree as us and then a tree topper coming out of our heads.

Cue some tears and me saying something like, don’t even bring THAT into the house.  A few days later, this, my dear, is the decorated tree that we can happily pose in front of this year.

New & Improved Christmas Tree

A few of my favorite ornaments…

The ornament my mom got us in Disney World right after Dave proposed.

Naught & Nice Papillon Ornaments that Dave got me last year

Wonderful hand painted ornament that someone's child made for mine and Lauren's last ornament exchange. Not really sure how we got stuck with the ugliest ornaments there, but it makes me laugh every time I put it on the tree.

So that pretty much wraps up our Christmas preparations around here!  My best friend and maid of honor in our wedding, Lauren, is throwing us a Christmas themed wedding shower this weekend.  I’m so excited for all the fun Christmas stuff we are going to get!

Until next time!


Remember how fortunate we are during this wonderful season and that not everyone is as fortunate as us.  Also remember that a gift doesn’t have to involve money.  It can be something as simple as your time or kind words to someone.

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